Uploading a photo to your profile
You can easily upload a photo to your Stageit profile
This image will be displayed as your avatar - seen on Stageit show pages and performer profiles.
- From the drop down menu, click My Account -> Settings
- At the top of your profile settings, click the Upload button
- A popup will ask you to upload an image file.
- After selecting your file, you will be prompted to resize and crop the image for use on Stageit.com
- When you are finished cropping, click the "done" button
- Please be sure to click the "save" button at the bottom of your profile settings.
Help! Why can't I upload a photo?
- Please ensure that your photo is one of the following file types: jpeg, png, gif. Please also make sure that the image size is no larger than 1MB.
- Larger photo files sometimes take a few minutes to upload to our image editor. Please be patient while your upload processes.
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